Donate to Supercourse

Supercourse needs your support now more than ever. The vast majority of the Supercourse developers are volunteers who are not paid for their work. The original grants from NIH and NASA were instrumental in setting up the project, but Supercourse needs your continued support to maintain its operations and to continue to provide you with high quality content.

Thank you very much for your contributions!

You can donate online or by mailing a check.

To donate online

To donate online, use the University of Pittsburgh's web site.

The University of Pittsburgh site uses a three step form. In the first step, it is not necessary to give a year of graduation.

In the second step, be sure to direct your gift to "Supercourse within the World Health Organization Collaborating Center MMPH Program".

To send a check

You can also contribute funds by sending a check payable to "University of Pittsburgh" to:

Dr. Ronald LaPorte
University of Pittsburgh
Graduate School of Public Health, 111 Parran Hall
130 DeSoto Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA